Top 10 Denmark Scholarships for International Students in 2023

 Scholarships to observe in Denmark are quite suited among foreign college students. Being capable of studying this is quite easy if you are a superb scholar and have all the motivation to keep progressing. And Denmark very regularly gives schooling packages for foreigners.

Among the requirements to obtain a scholarship, it is very common to require that the applicant not have nationality from any country in the European Union. That is, its scholarships are offered to students from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America.

And don't Danish national students have the same rights? Yes, yes they do. It is very common for the Danish education system to pay students for receiving academic training. Do they pay to study? Yes. Even some scholarships for foreigners offer that coverage.

It is worth receiving that training

The above reveals the great potential that this country has in terms of education. And you know what is the most interesting thing? You do not need to master the Danish language to receive professional training. The Danish government knows very well that its language is quite complex to assimilate in case you are a foreigner.

Therefore, if you manage to pass the TOEFL or IELTS exam, there is no reason to worry about your stay in that country and your communication with others. If you aspire to obtain a scholarship, the other thing you will need, apart from your resume, is the motivation letter of why you want to study in Denmark. And at the same time include the occasional letter of recommendation.

Scholarships are generally requested directly through the university's official website.

1. Denmark Scholarships – Roskilde University

Roskilde University will allow you to study postgraduate courses. Coverage for accommodation and maintenance is 1,050 euros per month. In addition to this, it pays for studies in subjects related to public administration, economics, and politics.

Subjects related to physics, mathematics, culture, and communication also come into play. To apply for this scholarship it is necessary to submit the request during the entire month of January of each year. This is done within the same official university page.

2. University of Copenhagen Denmark Scholarships

These scholarships to study in Denmark are promoted directly through the Government of Denmark. The fields of study of the scholarships range from arts and culture, politics and economics, to science, chemistry, and mathematics, among others. They are training programs for master's degrees.

What the scholarship offers is the payment of tuition, as well as providing the student with a subsidy so that they can cover their lifestyle in Denmark. To apply for scholarships you must do so through the university's website. The deadline to apply is until January of each year.

3. Denmark Scholarships – Aarhus University

The focus of these scholarships allows you to study master's degrees related to Arabic and Islamic studies, agri-environmental management, astronomy, and archaeology. In addition, there are courses in anthropology and agrobiology. With these scholarships to study in Denmark, you will be able to have postgraduate training and master's degrees.

What the scholarship guarantees is the payment of the study fee and in certain cases it also provides you with additional coverage in terms of maintenance and accommodation. It is necessary to request through the same university website throughout January of each year.

4. Aalborg University Scholarships

The scholarships to study in Denmark proposed by Aalborg University focus on master's degrees, doctorates, and exchanges. The study subjects are for areas related to health sciences, humanities, and engineering. These scholarships cover, first of all, the cost of tuition.

In addition to this, financial support is provided for maintenance and accommodation. These scholarships are intended for two years of training, although you can also find some that extend to 3 years.

5. University of Southern Denmark Scholarships

This scholarship program to study in Denmark is managed directly by the Ministry of Higher Education and Sciences of the Danish government. The scholarship allows you to have financial support of 3,000 Danish crowns monthly. In addition to this, the registration fee is paid.

The scholarships are offered to study master's degrees, in scenarios related to engineering, mechatronics, and electronic engineering. Scholarships are always awarded to students with good academic performance, who are fluent in English, and who were not born in a country of the European Union.

The request to be part of these scholarships is made every year during January. To apply for this scholarship, visit the website: University of Southern Denmark.

6. Finduddannelse Sustainability Scholarship

In this case, the scholarship is focused on master's studies in subjects related to technological management, health and medical sciences, software design, construction, psychology, and public governance. The scholarship offers you 5,000 euros to pay for your training at a university in the country.

You must be accepted into a master's degree offered at a Danish university and possess your bachelor's or undergraduate degree. You must master English or Danish. You can apply throughout September each year.

7. Popular Denmark Scholarships: Erasmus Mundus Masters Program

The Erasmus Mundus Scholarships are another alternative to obtain scholarships to study in Denmark. Training programs are offered for master's degrees, where the foreign student receives a monthly stipend for their maintenance, as well as coverage for accommodation.

The student is also paid certain expenses related to his or her research project. At the same time, medical insurance is provided. They are quite generous scholarships and well-recognized throughout Europe.

8. Denmark Scholarships – University of Information Technology

Thanks to these scholarships to study in Denmark, you will be able to train for a master's degree. The study scenarios are related to technology and digital innovation. If you are passionate about video game development, here you will find an opportunity. Big Data, software design, and interactive technologies are also offered.

The stimulus offered by the scholarship is to allow full payment for studies, in addition to financing for living and accommodation expenses. Although this coverage is only partial. Applicants must submit their request before March of each year.

9. Full PhD Scholarships – University of Copenhagen

Through these scholarships to study in Denmark, you can have doctoral training. However, the focus of the courses is mostly on history subjects. For example, we talk about the History of Thought or the History of Engineering.

For this reason, you must have a master's degree related to history or engineering studies. You have until December 1 to apply for these scholarships, which offer payment of tuition as well as living and accommodation expenses.

10. Popular Denmark Scholarships – Technical University of Denmark

The training provided at the Technical University of Denmark is oriented towards scientific careers. The areas of study have to do with engineering, environmental sciences, mathematics, and biology. There is also strong work in nanotechnology and chemistry.

Thanks to this training program, you can obtain a partial or full payment of your tuition. The university also provides you with food and accommodation. These are scholarships where you can also be chosen to obtain a salary, just for focusing on studying.

If you want to know more information about these scholarships, visit: the Technical University of Denmark – DTU

Ready to conquer Denmark?

Do you have any excuse for not submitting your request? Yes, the request: that beautiful word, which is synonymous with humility and gratitude. Simply ask, without demanding, without expecting more than you already know you can receive. As the Gospel of Saint Matthew would say: “Ask and it will be given to you.”

And do not be scared due to the fact those scholarships ask for extraordinary grades. They are not asking you to be a proficient student. Generally, what they typically ask for are grades that are above 8 out of 10, or the equivalent of four out of five. So, if you are a great scholar, rest assured that you may be appropriate.

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