14 learning tips: This is how exam preparation works!

 1. Get an overview!

Before you really get started, do an overview of the topic. Revise all the papers and make a list of all the topics you need to learn.

2. Create a study plan!

The easiest way to study systematically and stay on track is with a step-by-step study plan.

3. Find the right place to study!

There is nothing worse than not having enough space or being constantly restless. Find a place where you can distribute all your documents without having to search for hours until you find the right book.

4. Make sure there is enough light!

The workplace is eye-friendly with adequate daylight. Daylights can also be a wise investment if you study at night or it gets dark in the evening.

5. Get rid of destructive factors!

Mobile phones, internet, radio and television interfere with learning and should be turned off. Even if it is difficult at first, you will find that you can concentrate much better. Internet is often necessary for learning, but Facebook, Twitter etc. are necessary for learning. They have to wait until the break. Tip: There are special smartphone apps that block your social network for a certain period of time. Here's how you can fool yourself.

6. Prepare food and drinks!

Provide drinks and some small snacks at your workplace. This means you don't have to constantly wake up when you're thirsty, and your brain will get a little sugar from time to time to keep it working at full speed. However, you should avoid heavy meals that make you sluggish and tired.

7. Prepare your writing utensils!

Pen, highlighter, paper - have everything you need close at hand.

8. Keep your course materials complete!

Check your syllabus for the field you are working in today and make sure you have prepared all the necessary study materials in advance.

9. Combine different learning methods!

Reading aloud, taking notes, writing, underlining – rather than choosing one method, it's helpful to combine different learning methods. You can find out which method is best for you by choosing your type of training - you can find all the information below on this page.

10. Repeat!

What works for you today may stutter you tomorrow. So repeat what you have learned again and again.

11. Raise questions!

Good practice for the next exam is to have someone else take your exam. In this case, you can see where there are still vacancies and what is already suitable. You will also learn to express what you have learned in your own words. This is especially useful for oral presentations.

12. Create a study group!

Exchanging ideas with fellow students is important and helps your learning. In a study group, you can exchange questions, discuss topics, and give each other advice. However, study groups should be a supplement and not the only way to prepare for exams.

13. Give yourself a break!

Holidays are important. For every hour you study, you should give yourself a short break of ten minutes. Close your eyes for a moment, open a window and get some fresh air, or lie down in bed for a moment. No matter what you do during this time, it should bring you peace.

14. Reward yourself!

You worked hard today and you deserve a reward. Whether it's your favorite series or a new t-shirt, it's up to you.

These study tips are meant to help you prepare for your exams in the best possible way. Of course, everyone learns differently. Some may work better with mild background noise, while others learn better under pressure. Find out which of our study tips work best for you and lead to success. good luck!

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