How to prepare for an exam?

 Learning is hard work. Flipping through presentation slides and text, memorizing formulas and technical terms, solving old tests - all this has nothing to do with entertainment. But it is necessary and it is part of comprehensive exam preparation. To avoid this happening at the last minute and stressing your mind, start studying and preparing for the exam early. Various learning strategies and effective learning techniques support and motivate you while studying.

No more painful test anxiety: With the following 11 test preparation tips, you'll not only reduce the stress of studying but also increase your chances of success in exams and tests.

1. Visualize goals.

To motivate, make it clear from the beginning why you are studying so hard. Visualize your learning objective. However, this does not mean getting the best possible result for the exam. Instead, tell yourself what's most important: a good diploma increases your chances of applying for jobs and thus your chances of landing the well-paying job of your dreams. This allows you to live a more financially independent life. You will notice: that the more specifically you visualize the goal, the more motivated you will be to learn.

2. Create an educational environment

It has been proven that the environment has a significant impact on learning success. A dark corner on a messy desk? This makes the cramming process more difficult. The best way to prepare for an exam is to make sure you find a quiet, well-lit, distraction-free place before the exam. When you are in doubt:  first of all Turn off your smartphone and music. Also make sure you have a comfortable place to sit: not so comfortable that you fall asleep, but comfortable enough that you can stay there for a few hours. Important: Always sit up straight – this improves the oxygen supply!

3. Limit educational content.

Take your time and review the material first. First, collect all the important material from the lectures, notes, text, exercises, and presentation slides - then narrow down the material: which ones are relevant to the test? This way you can use your study time more efficiently.

4. Make a learning plan

Even limited study material may initially seem like an insurmountable mountain for test aspirants. The trick is to break the mountain into smaller, digestible chunks. After breaking down the learning material, create a learning plan: decide when, what you will do, and how much you will do each day. Many people think that this reduces free time, but the truth is the opposite: if you make a learning plan (and stick to it!), you make room for more fun things. Also, you get a good feeling that your exam preparation is under control.

5. Organize your learning day.

Create concrete rituals. For example: In the morning you study alone in the library. They focus on new content and summaries. Treat yourself to a lunch break and eat with friends in the cafeteria. In the afternoon, you review the material you have learned alone or with other fellow students. Such routines have one advantage: they are independent of stimuli. Once it becomes second nature, you will automatically learn in a more organized and structured way.

6. Summarize the content.

A summary of what you have learned time and time again in your own words (in writing) has proven itself a hundred times over. Not only do you have to repeat the learning material, but you also have to organize, consolidate, and compress it mentally. It allows you to remember things better. However, summaries do not have to be in text-only form. You can also use, sketch notes, mind maps, or flowcharts. To remember learning material better, you need to absorb different sensory inputs. For example, record your summary as an audio file and listen to it over and over on your way to university or on the road.

7. Install success checks.

Reading is not the same as learning. For example, by writing down what you've learned on index cards, you can periodically test yourself and check your learning progress or identify where you're still missing. There is space. This method also gives you more confidence later in the exam and little experiences of success will come.

8. Find followers.

Exchange within a learning group can also demonstrate relative learning success. Everyone benefits from regular meetings (tips, benefits, and choosing an educational package can be found in this free PDF). For example, you can explain material to each other and support each other during rest periods. Or you can simulate test situations with separate roles as examiner and examinee. Switching to a single study group reduces the stress of exams. Anyone who sees how well he can explain something to others also recognizes his progress.

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