Guide to buying the best mobile 2024

 Given the enormous offer of smartphones today, we have prepared an extensive and complete guide so that you can make the most informed decision before purchasing any device. We hope you find it useful!

A. Free or with contract?

Although it has been a long time since telephone companies no longer offer mobile phones at €0 or with a large discount in exchange for accepting a rate with a permanent contract, you may still have the doubt of whether a free mobile phone or one with a contract is best for you.

Currently the main advantage of buying a mobile phone with a contract is that most companies allow you to pay it in installments*, over 24 months and even 36 months and normally without interest, perfect if you cannot afford to pay it in cash.

Supposedly you can also find cell phones at a discount compared to their normal price, however, you are obliged to sign up for specific and permanent rates. They tend to be very high rates that you may not need and therefore the total price you are going to pay, taking into account the price of the mobile phone and the contract fee during that period, is higher than what you would pay buying the free mobile phone with the rate. that you choose.

To find out what the “normal” price of a mobile phone is, we recommend that you check the price in other stores, at least on Amazon, which usually has very reasonable prices.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage of buying a mobile phone with a telephone operator is that you will be tied to the company and the same rate during that time. And considering that the market for mobile phones and rates changes very quickly, it is quite likely that you will end up paying a monthly payment with fewer features than those of the competition, the same or more expensive.

The mobile phones are free in both cases, the operators are obliged to release them, although they must comply with the signed contracts.

The advantage of unlocked cell phones is that we have the flexibility to change telephone companies and rates. Therefore, we only recommend that you consider purchasing a smartphone with a permanent contract in the following cases:

  1. It has a high price, you don't have that amount of money available and you don't want to have to wait, even knowing that the total cost of the phone plus the monthly installments is going to be higher.
  2. The phone you like is on sale with a contract with a rate equal to or similar to what you have now and you don't mind keeping it for 24 more months.

B. What operating system?

There are currently two major commercial operating systems: Android and iOS . Both are very simple and intuitive to use, and have the largest variety of applications and games in their stores. This is one of the decisions that will most affect the mobile phone model you are going to purchase and its cost.

Both are very simple and intuitive to use, and have the largest variety of applications and games in their stores.

The decision is important, because if at any time you decide to change your mobile phone for another operating system, you will not be able to transfer the paid applications that you have purchased: to continue using them you will have to buy them again.


Android is the mobile operating system created by Google, and it will allow you to choose from many more brands, models and price ranges as it is the most used system. It offers greater possibilities for customizing the interface, design and widgets, and many of Google services, such as Maps or Gmail, are already integrated by default.

However, unless you buy a Pixel phone from Google, each time a new Android update arrives it can take several months to receive it on your phone.

In short, if you don't want to spend too much money on a mobile phone, or you are a regular user of Google services, Android is your best option.


iOS is the exclusive operating system for Apple iPhones, so you will have to make a greater financial outlay to enjoy it.

Unlike Android, it barely allows you to customize the functions or appearance of the interface, but in exchange it offers one of the most fluid and intuitive experiences on any mobile device.

Apple's ecosystem is exceptionally easy to use and will allow you to receive new updates as soon as they are available. It is a very closed environment, but in return it integrates perfectly with the rest of the Apple brand's devices, such as Macs or iPads. For this reason, if you are a regular Apple user, iOS will be your default choice.

C. Size

Choosing the screen size of a Smartphone is a quite personal preference since it cannot be considered that there is a better size or a more optimal size. Basically, mobile phones could be classified by 3 size ranges according to the dimensions of their screen measured in inches:

  • Less than 5". Essentially restricted to feature phones (they are not smartphones) or specific phones for seniors, with some exceptions such as the iPhone SE (2020).
  • Between 5 and 6″. Quite large cell phones, a fashion that has become a common choice because this device is increasingly used for entertainment, games, photos, videos and even movies.
  • More than 6″. In the last 3 years the trend towards designing them larger has continued and there are already quite a few models on the market that exceed this figure. They are very close to the smallest tablet models, whose size is 7 inches, and that is why they have come to be called “phablets.” However, the usual thing will be to find phones between 6 and 7 inches, with the first being the most compact and those approaching 7 inches being the largest.

It is also necessary to indicate that the total size of the phone will also depend on how well its front part is used, that is, the space occupied by its frames and/or buttons, but as a general rule the size of its screen in inches It is the best indicator to find a mobile phone that fits what you are looking for.

In any case, if you have doubts about what size phone is best for you, we recommend that you opt for models with screens of approximately 6.5 inches, large enough to enjoy any audiovisual content on it, but not so huge that you cannot carry it comfortably in your pocket.

D. Design and weight

Designing a mobile phone is not as simple as simply deciding its size and shape. Its material, shape and weight will determine the comfort with which it can be used and its manageability.

As a general rule, a smartphone made of metal will be more resistant than one made of plastic or polycarbonate. Glass is the least durable of the materials available, but it is also usually the most beautiful and striking. Another benefit of having a glass back is that it allows wireless charging, although you should make sure the phone offers it.

If your top priority is the appearance of your phone, choose a glass one . But remember that a metal one will always be more durable.

Screens are also delicate, which is why manufacturers add an extra layer of protection on top of them. Gorilla Glass is the most common, and the higher the number behind it (Gorilla Glass 5, for example), the greater the protection.

The ease with which you can use your mobile will depend on the size of your hands, their measurements and aspect ratio. This ratio determines the total length and width of the screen according to its size. Until recently, most phones had a 16:9 ratio, although today the 19:29, 20:9 and 21:9 formats continue to gain ground to offer a larger diagonal without losing manageability.

Of course, weight also plays a role. Most modern mobile phones weigh between 140 and 210 grams, depending on the size of their screen and battery capacity. A lighter phone will allow you to hold it comfortably for longer, which is especially useful for reading for long periods of time, for example.

It is also possible to find mobile phones with different degrees of protection against dust and water. This is called Ingress Protection, and currently two can be found:

  • IP67: it is capable of resisting submersion up to 1 meter for 30 minutes
  • IP68: it is capable of resisting submersion up to 2 meters for 30 minutes

E. Screen

In relation to the previous section, the quality of the screen is an aspect highly valued by users when buying a new mobile phone, but do not focus exclusively on its size, there are other characteristics that you should take into account.

  • Screen resolution. Resolution is the number of pixels and their measurements (width x height) that the mobile phone screen has horizontally. And theoretically, the higher the resolution, the higher the quality because the image has more detail/sharpness. There are standard resolutions that you have surely heard on more than one occasion and they are the following, ordered from highest to lowest: 4K (3840x2160), 2K/QHD (2560x1440), Full HD (1920x1080) and HD ( 1280×720). However, there is no technical standard that a smartphone screen must comply with, for example, the iPhone 12 uses a resolution of 2,532 x 1,170 pixels and the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra uses WQHD+, different values ​​from the standards.
  • Pixel density. This data indicates the number of pixels per inch of the screen (PPP or PPI in English), that is, it depends on both its resolution and its size. For example, a mobile phone with a 6″ screen and Full HD resolution will have less pixel density than a 5″ phone with the same Full HD resolution. As in the previous characteristic, theoretically, the higher the pixel density, the higher the image quality.
  • HDR. This technology is related to HDR photography that you will surely know. The images have a greater dynamic range, you can see more detail in both the shadows and the brightest parts, becoming more similar to what the human eye really sees. More realism in short.

The theory is very good and it doesn't hurt to know the technical specifications of mobile phones, however, what happens in practice? What screen should you buy?

The reality is that the human eye is not capable of appreciating any difference in resolutions greater than Full HD on a screen as small as that of a mobile phone, and it is also not capable of recognizing more than between 286 and 450 DPI (depending on the good health of the screen). sight). Therefore, the conclusion is that it is not worth spending more money to purchase a smartphone with a 4K screen or with a pixel density greater than 450. These high figures in the specifications of a screen are just marketing strategies to justify much higher prices on high-end mobile phones. Furthermore, the battery consumption of a mobile phone is greater the higher the screen resolution, each pixel needs energy to light up.

The only exception is if you want to use your mobile for virtual reality, in this case you should buy a device with a 2K or 4K screen resolution, since the phone is placed inside a virtual reality glasses very close to the eyes and Very short distance means that these resolutions can be appreciated.

Regarding HDR technology or the new OLED screens, they are more typical of televisions and manufacturers like Sony are beginning to include them in mobile phones for a marketing reason, they really do not provide a great improvement in the user experience unless your priority be watching movies, series or documentaries on your mobile phone.

F. Processor and RAM

The processor is the brain of the mobile. The more powerful it is, the more fluid the mobile will operate, the faster the applications will open and the less it will crash.

Processor brands

Most Android devices incorporate a Qualcomm or MediaTek processor. As a general rule, Qualcomm are more powerful and common among high-end models, with the Snapdragon 888 being the most advanced today, which coexists with the Snapdragon 870 and 865+.

The Snapdragon 600 and 700 series are usually present in mid-range smartphones, while MediaTek processors are included in the most economical models, and offer a good balance between power and autonomy, although without too many frills.

Samsung or Huawei mobile phones usually incorporate their own Exynos or Kirin processors, both high-end, while Apple also manufactures its own for iPhones, the latest being the powerful A14 Bionic.

Having a powerful processor is a good idea if you want to extend the life of your phone, as this increases the chances that in a few years it will still be up to par with new programs and applications.

Cores and clock speed

The processor can consist of several cores. In general, the more cores, the more powerful the processor will be because the more simultaneous operations it will be able to perform, although this is often not the case. Many processors only use all their cores if necessary.

The clock speed is the number of operations that the processor can perform. In this case, the higher it is, the faster the processor will be. But in practice, it is best to check its performance in tests like Geekbench.

If you are going to use your mobile to play highly graphically demanding video games, the ideal is that you get a device with the highest number of cores and clock speed.


RAM ( Random Access Memory ) temporarily stores what you want to recover quickly, and is what will allow your mobile to perform several tasks at the same time, which is known as multitasking.

Typically, open applications are saved in RAM, so that when you close and reopen them, they can be displayed on the screen without having to be loaded again.

Generally, the more RAM the better. However, in the case of iPhones this is not necessarily the case, since they do not require as much RAM as they manage memory differently.

Avoid cell phones with only 1 GB of RAM; In the mid-range models we find options between 3 and 4 GB of RAM, and in the high-end models the standard starts at 6 GB, an ideal configuration for the most demanding users, those who need maximum speed and want the most performance. high. These phones are capable of handling the most powerful video games and keeping multiple applications open at the same time.

G. Storage

The internal storage will allow you to save photos, videos, music and applications on your mobile, making it one of the features most valued by users. It is measured in GB (gigabytes).

Logically, the larger the capacity, the better. With the increase in camera resolution, photos and videos take up more and more memory, and the same goes for applications and video games.

Nowadays the minimum, unless you are an extremely basic user, is 64GB. Because if your idea is to use the camera for photos and videos, download apps and games, it is worth opting for models starting at 128GB.

Keep in mind that you will have less capacity than what appears in the technical specifications. This is because the operating system and some applications that are already preloaded ( bloatware ) take up space, and for this reason the ideal is for the mobile phone to be sold with as few preinstalled applications as possible.

Fortunately, nowadays cloud storage systems, such as Google Drive or iCloud, help you avoid having to save everything on your phone, especially high-resolution photos.

microSD card

In addition, many Android phones (not iPhones) allow you to expand this internal storage using an external microSD card, where you can save photos and videos. For this reason it is a very interesting possibility if you take out the camera easily.

However, not all microSD cards are compatible with mobile phones that accept them. You should first check the maximum card capacity that your phone supports.

H. Camera

The camera of a mobile phone is usually a determining factor when choosing one model or another. Currently, it is a great advantage to be able to carry a good camera in your pocket without having to carry the weight of other types of cameras such as digital or SLR, something unthinkable years ago.

You can find the best cameras on high-end phones, the most expensive ones, so our first recommendation is that you don't get carried away by impulses and end up buying a model with a super camera that you don't really need and from which you are not going to take full advantage. its potential:

  • Megapixels. More megapixels do not mean higher quality. The only advantage of having more megapixels is that you can digitally zoom or crop your photos while maintaining more detail and sharpness, for example if the camera is 24Mp you can crop it in half to better frame the part that interests you and it will still have the same resolution which would have a 12Mp photo.
  • Diaphragm aperture (f value) . In mobile cameras this value is usually between 1.7 and 2.8 and without a doubt here we can say that the larger the aperture (lower the number) the better because it is capable of capturing more light, something very useful considering Keep in mind that we also use cell phones to take photos in closed places with little light or even at night. To give you an idea, an f/2.0 aperture captures exactly twice as much light as an f/2.8. It also affects the depth of field but more subtly in the angular lenses of mobile phones so it is not worth delving into this aspect.
  • Sensor size and pixels. Most users do not know that the larger the sensor, the better its performance. Why is the camera of a high-end mobile phone like the Samsung Galaxy S21 superior than that of a top seller like the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9? Well, mainly because its sensor has a size of 1.8 µm compared to the 1.6 µm of the Xiaomi, 12.5% ​​larger. Normally manufacturers indicate only the size of the pixels, measured in micrometers (µm), because the larger they are, the more light they are able to capture, but the total size of the sensor is also important.

Both the aperture of the lens and the size of the sensor also affect the depth of field but in a very subtle way because mobile lenses are very angular, so it is not worth delving into this aspect.

By evaluating the 3 mentioned characteristics you already have enough information to choose a smartphone with a good camera, however, you can go even deeper and we are going to give you some extra recommendations depending on your preferences :

  • Selfies. For this purpose, the number of megapixels does matter because standard front cameras usually only have 5Mp, a resolution that falls short if you want to achieve good quality in your selfies. In this case you should also set the aperture, because in addition to capturing more light you will achieve a more pronounced natural blur in the background.
  • Pictures. If you like to photograph your friends, family, pet, etc., the ideal is to buy a mobile phone that at least has a dual rear camera, which allows you to take portraits with a beautiful blur or “bokeh”, similar to what is achieved with cameras. professionals, although being digital it can sometimes fail in some parts of the image.
  • Landscapes. If what you like is to go out into nature, go light and take photographs with your mobile phone, one thing you should take into account is the focal length of the lens (mm). The smaller the angle, the greater the angle the camera can capture, that is, the larger the landscape you will be able to portray. Normally the focal lengths are between 20 and 28mm, except for some secondary ones in the dual cameras that are telephoto lenses (50mm), to zoom approximately x2. We also recommend that you have HDR mode to get more vivid colors and more detail in the skies in your photos.
  • Videos. If you also like to make good-quality videos, another feature that you have to take into account is image stabilization, to minimize vibrations when recording with the phone in your hands. And much better if it is optical because it is carried out by a physical mechanism installed in the camera, while the electronic one is achieved digitally and is less precise. That it has 4K resolution is not very important because the difference is barely noticeable on the screen of a mobile phone, but you do have to take into account the rate of images per second (fps) at which it is capable of recording to do slow motion x2 (60fps), x4 (120fps) or even more.

It should be added that dual cameras usually offer other advantages in addition to portrait mode, by having a second lens on the back with different characteristics.

For example, depending on the Smartphone model with dual camera, you can do x2 optical zoom without loss of sharpness with a telephoto lens ( Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra ), take photos with a wide-angle lens perfect for landscapes and architecture ( Huawei P40 Pro ) or even capture very artistic black and white images with a monochrome sensor ( realme 8 Pro). However in practice the main rear camera is almost always used and the secondary one is used only for portraits.

Regarding the various modes, functions and filters offered by the camera software of each mobile phone, we do not go into detail because they are very similar for all brands, which copy each other when a feature becomes fashionable, such as the effect HDR, panoramic photos, beauty mode for faces, etc. And that is why we do not consider it a decisive purchasing factor.

I. Autonomy

The autonomy of a mobile phone is determined, first of all, by the capacity of its battery, which is measured in mAh. The more mAh, the more hours you can use your phone without needing to recharge it.

However, autonomy will also depend on the processor and the type and resolution of the screen. Two phones with the same battery capacity can have very different autonomy depending on these factors. In general, it is considered that any phone that lasts more than 10 hours of continuous web browsing in 4G LTE offers good autonomy, although remember that 5G is on the way out, allowing greater data transfers and lower latency at the cost of a higher battery consumption.

Most batteries today are not replaceable (unless performed by a qualified service technician), as they are often incompatible with water protection. For this reason, we recommend getting a phone with at least 3,500 mAh capacity — although, again, its autonomy will depend on other factors.

Fast charge

Having fast charging will allow you to recharge your phone's battery in less time than usual. Generally, it will allow you to go from 0 to 50% battery in less than 30 minutes.

Some phones that allow fast charging require a special charger. In some cases it is included in the box, but in others, such as iPhones, you will have to buy it separately.

Tip: Do not plug your phone in overnight to charge it, as this will gradually reduce battery performance. Instead, charge it for a couple of hours at work.

Wireless charging

The most modern and highest-end mobile phones can be recharged without having to connect them to a traditional charger. You simply have to place them on top of the wireless charging pad so they can begin to recover battery.

This way you save cables and the typical accidents where the phone flies when you accidentally yank the cable.

However, this technology is still quite new and phones tend to charge more slowly than with the traditional cable system, so it only makes sense to invest in a model like this if you have a few hours available to leave the phone on the platform.

J. Others

Below we present other features that you may find interesting when deciding which mobile phone to buy:

  • Waterproofing. A good anti-accident insurance is that the cell phone has water resistance, since it is common for them to fall to the floor or spill liquid on them when leaving them on the table while eating. That's why you should know that there is a classification according to its resistance. The highest for these devices are usually IP67 and IP68, with the first number indicating protection against dust and the second number indicating protection against water. In these cases, grade 6 against dust guarantees total resistance, while grades 7 and 8 against water guarantee that mobile phones can be submerged to 1 meter or more and last a continuous period of time without suffering damage, which does not say that they are suitable to operate underwater, as an aquatic photo camera for example.
  • Face or touch unlock. It is a feature that the most advanced models have and means that they can be unlocked just by looking at the screen or by placing any finger on it so that it recognizes the fingerprint. This makes it easier to unlock the phone and provides some extra security and privacy compared to the classic numerical code that can be copied or found out.
  • Dual SIM. The dual SIM feature allows you to place two different SIM cards in your smartphone. What advantages does it have? The main one is that you can carry two phone lines at the same time, the personal one and the work one for example, or add a new SIM from the country where you are located if you are traveling to be able to have Internet wherever you are without having to disconnect your phone. line. Likewise, you could also purchase a card without a contract and with additional data to what your operator already offers you in case they are not enough for your usual consumption.

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